Fleet management system with Symfony 2, php, MySQL; TeamERP Transport

TeamERP Transport Symfony 2

Updated on 2014-05-19.

I have been programming for one week and I have a transport module that can work for different situation now. I have released it as a MIT license so that any one can use it or do what ever they want with it. My objective is to create a truly free ERP system. But you have to start somewhere, and I have decided that the transport module could be a nice module. This module is a software that can be used to record transport expenses and to follow the cars movements. It’s not a tracking systems. but in the future I an planning to integrate it with one of this projects. the project was developed with Symfony 2; php, MySQL.

In this document I described the Symfony 2 development process for the development of a Fleet management system. I started from scratch to what I currently have and it took me one week of work. The project is going to be used by a friend of mine company. All the iterations and problems found along a real life development process will be posted here. This document is about the Transport module and the objective is not to have a book of how to use Symfony 2 and develop. But a guide of what has been done with Symfony 2 and the current state of the module. More like a diary of notes and the documentation of this development. You can also find some other Symfony 2 development material here. Continue reading

Apache 2 web server; install and config a virtual host

Good day; today we will install a web server using Apache 2. We will specifically use apache because there are many web servers out there, and apache is probably the most popular one even among windows users, when you install Wamp Server, or Xamp,

Apache Web Server

Apache Web Server

you are also installing apache 2.x. It has some other advantages or benefits like Openness, a lot of features, extensibility, portability, cost, simple administration, reliability, flexibility, etc. Check out this link for some explanations. It has also some downsides or disadvantages like for instance; it’s Written By Geeks, For Geeks. That does not mean is difficult or any thing like that, but it can be twisted for some specific situations.

The Linux philosophy to install a software like Apache 2 is different from Windows. Windows tries to solve all of your problems at once, Linux’s philosophy is to solve only one of your problems using the best practices. Each of this ways of thinking has it pros and cons, but that is not the objective of this class, so we move on.

To install the package you have to do:

aptitude install apache2

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